Monday 6 August 2012

Temporary lipstick tattoo trend

The new temporary lipstick tattoo trend hitting the glam world. Talk about a statement- making look!

What is temporary makeup tattoos? 
A new brand line of temporary lipstick tattoos that transform your lips into something much more exciting. Choose from animal prints, polka dots, checkerboard, rainbow, fishnet and some glittery metallic lip tattoos designs. Temporary lip tattoos work in a similar manner to temporary tattoos.

How do i apply?
The pattern is printed on one side of transfer paper. To apply the tattoo, you cut the paper into the right shape to match your lips and fit the printed side against your lips. Using moist cotton balls, cotton pad or paper towels, dampen the transfer paper and carefully peel it away to reveal your new lip tattoo.The instruction advise to make an "ah" motion with your mouth as you apply the tattoos to ensure that they do not crack and peel later as you move your mouth.Your new temporary lip tattoos will last anywhere from four to eight hours, depending on how well you take care of them. Oils from foods and other cosmetics as well as licking your lips can make the tattoos wear away faster. 

This look may not be for you, and it's definitely not for everyday office wear. It can definitely glam up your evening look.

Where can i buy them from? sells the Violent Lips Glitteratti Temporary Lip Tattoos 3pk - £5,99

Remember follow me on twitter @LizetteCoelho

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